Saturday 22 November 2014

What to do when you learn you are pregnant Singapore


source from:

Hi everyone
Today's post is about coping with your first pregnancy. If you are a noob like me and feel lost about what to do, where to go, I hope this post will be useful to you. When I learnt that I was pregnant, I tried to google online on where to go etc but I could not find much info. Some mums may be superstitious not to announce the pregnancy before the 1st trimester for fear of jinxing the pregnancy. I consulted 2 of my good friends for advice.

1st step: get a DIY pregnancy kit/ visit the GP to get tested.

Congratulations! Once you are confirmed pregnant, you will need to make an appointment to see a gynae between 6-8 weeks. To calculate your pregnancy weeks, you take the first day of your last menses. I have read in forums that some mothers are very excited and very eager to see the gynae even before 6weeks. Most gynaes won't see you/ it will be a waste of money cos you can't do the ultra-scan.

You will then need to decide if you would want to be subsidised/ private patient. I have called KKH and NUH to clarify the difference between the two. If you want to go under subsidy, you will need referral letter from polyclinic and you will be managed by a team of doctors and the appointments are usually on weekdays during office hours. I guess most mothers will rather pay a bit more and stick to one doctor throughout your pregnancy.

You can choose the doctor based on friends/ forum's recommendations/ reviews or you can call your preferred hospital and asked them for recommendation.

After your visit visit to the gynae, the gynae will prescribe you folic acid and multi-vitamins. The gynae will stress the importance of folic acid (though it's a small pill) as it will reduces the incidences of birth defects. My gynae also advises against taking caffeine eg coffee+tea, carbonated drink, raw food eg sushi.

What are some of the changes you might experience during your first trimester?
- fuller and bloated breasts
- morning sickness
- lethargy
- loss of appetite
- stomach bloatedness
- frequent visit to toilets
- cramps mostly on right side of pelvic

The gynae will also schedule you to go for nuchal test ie test of down syndrome which comprises a blood test and an ultrasound scan when you are between 11weeks, 3days and 13weeks 6 days of pregnancy. You can read more about the tests via:

I find that the iphone app the bump is very useful as it gives you updates and progress of your baby eg fruit size of your baby and weekly to do list.

I feel very thankful and blessed that there is a miracle life growing inside me. Thank you baby for being healthy and strong, I promise to be a better person and I'll do my best for you. I am also grateful to my supportive husband.

comprises a blood test and an ultrasound scan
which comprises a blood test and an ultrasound scan - to determine the chances of their child getting Down syndrome and some other chromosomal abnormalities. - See more at:

Craze about Jelly Shoes Singapore

Hi everyone
If you have not heard of jelly shoes, I'm not sure which era you belong to. Jelly shoes are so comfy and can be easily cleaned and they are built to last, definitely a good investment! 

I have bought imitations jelly shoes and they give me awful blisters and even my nice pedicure is also ripped off due to the friction. It lasted me only one wear. Here are some of the popular brands of jelly shoes in Singapore:

1) Melissa

Melissa shoes have a very distinct bubble gum smell. My husband laughed it off when I can search the shoes location in a department store by its smell.
Sometimes Zalora will offer 20% discount, it will be cheaper to get it here.

If you are flying to Bangkok, must definitely visit the Melissa stores cos it's cheaper by 30-40% and you can still claim tax rebate.

2) Mel by Melissa
This is a sister company of Melissa. Shoes are more affordable than Melissa.

Mel has been renamed to Zaxy (

3) Jelly Bunny
Newly opened in Singapore on 21 Nov.

4) Salvatore Ferragamo

Ferragamo has some very nice jelly shoes and my colleague swear by their shoes that they can last up to 2 years for a pair that she has worn to death. Heard it's going on 30% sale soon, be sure to keep a lookout. The above pair cost $370 and heard only the purple and coral pink colours are going on sale so it's about $260.

5) Anna Nucci 

Updates on 25 May 2017:
Please keep your Melissa and Ferragamo receipts. My MIL has a Melissa Campana flats and it snapped at the back after a few wears. While shopping for new Melissa shoes, my MIL sorta grumbled to the saleslady that the shoes are not lasting and the salesperson suggested that we send in for repair. The shoes look as good as new after repair but the shoes snapped again at the same area. We send the pair in and they offered to exchange another pair for us.

Recently, we learnt that that Ferragamo can repair their shoes within 2years of purchase. You just have to bring the shoes back to the store with your receipt. 2 of my Bermudas has snapped at the strap area. Shall update after my repair, *keeping my fingers crossed*

Beauty of buying premium shoes where they provide such fantastic after sales service, made every dollar worth it.

Happy shopping!
